Hey. My name is

I've always been a creator. When I was little, I would put on plays. I would talk to myself. At 4 years old, I had already written a theme song for my garden in my backyard titled, Maddie’s Garden, and when I was 8, a classic about how to annoy my big brother, appropriately titled, How To Annoy A Brother. Ask me about them sometime. I'll sing 'em for you. I don't care. "All the world's a stage," and all that.
My college degree is in Comedy Writing and Performance, so script writing and presenting are in my blood. I've always loved to play pretend, speak in different accents, and impersonate. I was always the child at the dinner table “going too far” because, to me, no one else went far enough. Turns out, that's the kind of gall that lends itself well to the advertising world.
I'm Maddie.
Nice to meet you.
Let's make dumb, fun stuff.
But don't just take it from me.
Here's what Chelsea Berger had to say on the matter.
If I were to put together an all-star team of creatives, Maddie would be on it. She has the most gung-ho-iest attitude of them all, never getting deflated or letting an obstacle slow her momentum. She's insatiably curious, downright shameless in the best of ways, and always collaborating and seeking input to make the best work. She's someone you want in the trenches because she'll do whatever she can to help without an ounce of ego. Oh, and she cracks me up on a daily basis.